I loaded the sai demo app into the imxrt1010 EVM board, using the WM8960 codec. The output level is incredibly low. 50mV rms. Data sheet for WM8960 indicates full scale level with 3V3 supply is 1V rms. I noticed that the volume is limited to 100, when the volume register in th...
We're currently using the MIMXRT1011CAE5A processor and have imported an SDK example (flexspi_nor_polling_transfer). We've made some changes to the code, which I'll provide in the link below. As mentioned in the datasheet (IMXRT1010), BOOT_CFG1[7:4...
【导读】6月25日,恩智浦在北京举行2019微控制器媒体交流会。2019年,是恩智浦产品在中国集中爆发的一年。会上,恩智浦重点介绍了机器学习软件开发环境eIQ平台以及超高性价比的i.MX RT1010、超低功耗的i.MX 7ULP两款微处理器。 据恩智浦资深副总裁兼微控制器业务总经理Geoff Lees介绍,eIQ是恩智浦自研的一整套...
类似零件编号 - IMXRT1010IEC 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 NXP SemiconductorsIMXRT1010CEC 1Mb/65Pi.MX RT1010 Crossover Processors Data Sheet for Consumer Products Rev. 0, 09/2019 More results NXP半导体是一家公开交易的跨国公司,设计,开发和制造各种半导体和集成电路,用于各种应用,包括汽车,工业,通信和消...
类似零件编号 - IMXRT1010CEC 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 NXP SemiconductorsIMXRT1010IEC 1Mb/65Pi.MX RT1010 Crossover Processors Data Sheet for Industrial Products Rev. 0, 09/2019 More results NXP半导体是一家公开交易的跨国公司,设计,开发和制造各种半导体和集成电路,用于各种应用,包括汽车,工业,通信和...
I am using IMXRT1010XXX evaluation board and programmed using Matlab code generation, while flashing the program to the evaluation board it is always asking for rest, when I reset the board, then the programme is not flashing to the board, the same board ...
When i customized the example host_hid_generic_bm on board imxrt1010, i had a problem that the function callback USB_HostHidInCallback is not returned even the failed status. But after unplugging the joystick PS3, this function will be called for one times. I can't ...
I loaded the sai demo app into the imxrt1010 EVM board, using the WM8960 codec. The output level is incredibly low. 50mV rms. Data sheet for WM8960 indicates full scale level with 3V3 supply is 1V rms. I noticed that the volume is limited to 100, when the volume register in th...
I loaded the sai demo app into the imxrt1010 EVM board, using the WM8960 codec. The output level is incredibly low. 50mV rms. Data sheet for WM8960 indicates full scale level with 3V3 supply is 1V rms. I noticed that the volume is limited to 100, when the volume reg...