参考:https://blog.csdn.net/sinat_16643223/article/details/114698028 有两个imu数据,/mavros/imu/data_raw和/mavros/imu/data,前者没有orientation数据,后者有。 # 查看话题的发布频率 rostopic hz /mavros/imu/data_raw # 调整发布频率 /mavros/imu/data_raw 100hz rosrun mavros mavcmd long 511 105 10...
IMUData imupose_k0 = imudata[i]; IMUData imupose_k1 = imudata[i+1]; Eigen::Quaterniond dq; Eigen::Vector3d w = 0.5 * (imupose_k0.imu_gyro + imupose_k1.imu_gyro); Eigen::Vector3d dtheta_half = w * dt / 2.0; dq.w() = 1; dq.x() = dtheta_half.x(); dq.y() =...
Camera model: D455 OS: Ubuntu 18.04 (Nvidia Jetpack 4.6) Platform: Nvidia Jetson nano 4GB realsense-ros: v2.3.2 librealsense: v2.50.0 D455 firmware: I'm trying to obtain orientation data from the D455 using the topic camera/imu...
The following code shows the general structure of a program reading raw data from a sensor, serializing it and parsing it. dwSensorHandle_timuSensor; dwSAL_createSensor(&imuSensor, ..., ...); dwSensor_start(imuSensor); constuint8_t *data =nullptr; ...
I can successfully record the IMU data and iPhone's microphone data simultaneously. When I choose Airpods Pro's microphone in the setCategory() function, the IMU data collection process stopped. If I change recordingSession.setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .default, options: .allowBluetooth) ...
Run theimu_filter_madgwick nodeand remap the/camera/imutopic to/imu/data_raw: ros2 run imu_filter_madgwick imu_filter_madgwick_node --ros-args -p use_mag:=false -r /imu/data_raw:=/camera/imu Visulaize 🗺️ Open up Rviz2 and setFixed Frametoodom. Add the/imu/data/Imuvisualizatio...
left_data=np.asanyarray(f1.get_data()) right_data=np.asanyarray(f2.get_data())ifpose: data=pose.get_pose_data() pos_str="Position:"+str(data.translation) velo_str="Velocity:"+str(data.velocity) taccel_str="Acceleration:"+str(data.acceleration)#If data_write is True in start.ini...
imu_data.launch节点负责订阅WT61CTTL节点处理好发过来的数据,转换成sensor_msgs/IMU格式的数据发布。 imu_rviz.launch启动调试,可将传感器在现实空间下的姿态进行事实显示。 msg:话题类型文件 WT61CTTL.msg存放WT61C TTL传感器发出的数据类型,里面存储9个float64类型的...
ROS_INFO(“滚转= %.0f 俯仰=%.0f 朝向= %.0f" , roll, pitch, yaw);}int main(int argc,char *argv[]){setlocale(LC_ALL,"");ros::init(argc, argv,"imu_node" );ros::NodeHandle n;ros::Subscriber imu_sub = n.subscribe( "/imu/data" ,10,IMUCallback);ros::spin( );return 0;...
(从 IMutableDatabaseObject 继承。) Name Gets the name of the metadata object. (从 IMetadataObject 继承。) Parent Gets the IDatabaseObject object that is the parent of this object. (从 IDatabaseObject 继承。) 页首 方法 展开表 名称说明 Accept< (Of < <' (T> ) > > )(IDatabase...