After extensive discussions over a year, ITU-R has decided on the overall timeline for 6G in June 2022 with three major stages1, i.e. 1) Stage 1 – vision definition to be completed in June 2023 before the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23), 2) Stage 2 – requirem...
从2024年开始,ITU-R WP 5D将投入三年的时间,研究具体的技术性能要求、评估准则和方法,为IMT-2030最后阶段(即2027~2030年)的技术提案评估做好准备。同时,3GPP将继续其5G -> 5.5G(亦称5G Advanced)的演进之路,预计将在2025年下半年的R20中启动6G技术的标准化工作,在2028年底或2029年初,为ITU-R评估准备好...
ITU-R, "Overview timeline for IMT towards the year 2030 and beyond," 2022. Available online: ITU-R, Report M.2516-0, "Future technology trends of terrestrial International Mobile Telecommunications systems towards 2030 an...
At the 41stmeeting in June 2022, WP 5D agreed on the timeline for finalizing standardization of the IMT-2030 radio interface technology by June 2030. Following the completion of 6G Framework, WP 5D will now begin to define the technical performance requirements of 6G technology by February 2026...