The Code advises that the cargo can give off toxic gas when heated strongly (higher than 1,000°C). The new Code schedule does not include the following hazards as identified in the original Belgian proposal to the IMO Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (ref document ‘CCC ...
SolidBulkCargoesintheIMSBCCode.Thisdocumentdealswithammoniumnitratebased fertilizers(non-hazardous). Structure 2Theamendmentsproposedincludeadditionofnewormovedtext(shownby underlining),deletionoftext(shownbystrikingthroughline)andshiftingoftextfromoneplace ...
For the last ten years or so, attempts have been made at the IMO to introduce a new IMSBC Code schedule for DRI Fines with higher moisture, embodying mechanical ventilation as the principal safety precaution. Concerns about the effectiveness of ventilation have been raised and, underlying...