记得在FAA的体系里特别强调一个I’M SAFE CHECKLIST,回国这么多年感觉国内对这个理念的介绍不太广泛,他山之石,可以攻玉。今天想把这个理念介绍过来,只要对安全有一点点作用,帮助到一个飞行员,也是值得的。 I’M SAFE检查单通过飞行员在飞行前从六个方面对自身安全状况的评估,进而进行GO or NO GO的决策,来提升...
The IMSAFE checklist is a mnemonic device created to help pilots and co-pilots determine if they are fit to fly. Usually taught early in flight training, it is critically important that every pilot conduct a personal pre-flight health assessment before piloting any aircraft. There are myriad ...