Status code: 200 Table 5-25 Response body parameters Parameter Type Description job_id StringExample Requests /v2/cloudimages/action { "os_version" : "CentOS 7.6 64bit", "description" : "Creating an ImageFunction", "instance_id" : "7de01ad1-54c5-4444-824b-57b19b36e4b8", "name" :...
STATUS CODE 200 {"file":"/v2/images/33ad552d-1149-471c-8190-ff6776174a00/file","owner":"0b1e494e2660441a957313163095fe5c","id":"33ad552d-1149-471c-8190-ff6776174a00","size":2,"self":"/v2/images/33ad552d-1149-471c-8190-ff6776174a00","schema":"/v2/schemas/image","status...
Cloud Studio代码运行 staticvoidnativeStart(JNIEnv*env,jclass/* clazz */,jlong ptr){NativeInputManager*im=reinterpret_cast<NativeInputManager*>(ptr);status_t result=im->getInputManager()->start();if(result){jniThrowRuntimeException(env,"Input manager could not be started.");}} 将传过来的 p...
Status code: 200 Table 5-25 Response body parameters Parameter Type Description job_id StringExample Requests /v2/cloudimages/action { "os_version" : "CentOS 7.6 64bit", "description" : "Creating an ImageFunction", "instance_id" : "7de01ad1-54c5-4444-824b-57b19b36e4b8", "name" :...
Status code: 200 Table 5-25 Response body parameters Parameter Type Description job_id StringExample Requests /v2/cloudimages/action { "os_version" : "CentOS 7.6 64bit", "description" : "Creating an ImageFunction", "instance_id" : "7de01ad1-54c5-4444-824b-57b19b36e4b8", "name" :...
status String 镜像状态。取值如下:queued:表示镜像元数据 已经创建成功,等待上传镜像文件。saving:表 示镜像正在上传文件到后端存储。deleted:表示 镜像已经删除。killed:表示镜像上传错误。 active:表示镜像可以正常使用。 tags Array of 镜像标签列表。 strings ...
STATUS CODE 400 { "error": { "message": "The imagetype is invalid.", "code": "IMG.0024" } } 错误码说明 表1 错误码 状态码 错误码 描述 处理措施 400 IMG.0001 The request message format is invalid. 请求消息格式非法。 请使用正确的请求消息格式。 400 IMG.0002 The image name contains...
StatusCode long 状态码 200 示例 正常返回示例 JSON格式 { "Data": { "JobId": "bfb786c639894f4d80648792021e***" }, "Message": "ok", "RequestId": "***63E8B7C7-4812-46AD-0FA56029AC86***", "StatusCode": 200 } 错误码 访问错误中心查看更多错误码。 上一篇:QueryTraceM3u8JobList -...
The Fast Path utilities can return a status code during the execution of an IMS or DBTOOLS utility. This usually indicates an error condition, but the status code might simply be of an informative nature. Status codes Table 1. Fast Path utility status codes Status codeMeaning AA No ddname ...
PCB status code AUTHGUGNISRTCHNGCMDGCMDPURGSETOCategoryDescription AA X X 4 CHNG call for alternate response PCB can specify only logical terminal destination; transaction code destination specified. AB X X X X X X X 4 Segment I/O area required; none specified in call. AD X X X X X X...