Signal n. 信号,暗号,近因,导火线,动机,预兆, 征象 vt. 向…作信号,标志 impulse buy vt, vi. 即兴购买 no signal 【计】 无信号 signal/noise n. 讯噪比 fog signal n. 雾中信号 Signal to Noise (电子线路中的)信噪比 signal enabling 信号初启一种使某信号发挥其操作功效的方法。 zero sign...
冲激信号(impulse signal) 知乎用户f2iVZD 4 人赞同了该文章 冲激,意思是持续时间极短,几乎是瞬发的,同时作用也较为强烈,可以称之为冲激。 冲激信号在数学上我们也叫冲激函数。编辑于 2021-11-11 18:33 内容所属专栏 物理 订阅专栏 信号与系统 赞同4添加评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载 ...
signalingn. 打信号,发信号 动词signal的现在分词 impulsen. 1.推动;驱使;推力 2.推动作用;冲力作用 3.突然的欲望;一时的念头 4.建议;怂恿 5.【生理】神经冲动 6.【物】冲量;【电】脉冲 v.[T,I] 推动;促进 DC signaling直流信号传输法 以直流电的通断来传输信号的一种方法。
网络脉冲信号 网络释义 1. 脉冲信号 ...分析瞬时信号(Transient Signal)或脉冲信号(ImpulseSignal)的频谱,而其主要应用则在测试周期性的信号及其它随机信号(Ran…|基于3个网页
PURPOSE:To prevent malfunction due to external noise by comparing a time when an input signal such as a trapezoidal wave signal passes plural threshold values with a reference value, and discriminating presence and absence of a input signal. CONSTITUTION:Switches 4, 5 are subject to on/off ...
- The radio signal had very short bursts of high frequency.(无线电信号有着非常短的高频脉冲。)4. Throb Throb作名词时指有规律的跳动、颤动或震动,也可以形容短暂的电信号。例如:- She felt a steady throb in her temples.(她感到太阳穴处有持续的跳动。)- The voltage regulator caused...
SIGNAL IMPULSE te proporciona: - Registrar diariamente la jornada de forma rápida y sencilla. - Gestionar de forma completa horarios, turnos, vacaciones y bajas cumpliendo con la nueva ley de control horario. - Permite el fichaje mediante APP con geolocalización. ...
The measurement method is using the turn-on delay of impulse signal which is the delay time between the rising edge of impulse signal and the corresponding rising edge of drain-source current. Results show that the turn-on delay has a good linear relationship with temperature, and the method ...
Configuration of the applied impulse signal, specified as a RespConfig object. By default, impulse applies an input at time t = 0. Use this input argument to change the response configuration, such as specifying a delay or input offset. See Configure Options for Impulse Response for an example...