I am a big fan of convolution reverbs. I love exploring different free impulse responses. Doing that often sends me off to completely unexpected creative paths. You can even create a trademark sound of your own based on impulse responses alone. It can be sometimes hard to find good free im...
Capture real-world spaces as impulse responses to use with Live 9’s Convolution Reverb. Download free IR collections to get started.
There are free options as well. Along with theLePou Free Amp Sim Plugins, there’s the LeCab 2 that can load up to six impulse responses at once, and it’s free. Another free standalone IR loader isNadIRby Ignite Amps. It can load two IRs at once and the plugin includes other con...
impulse response functionlocal projectionvector autoregressionnonlinearThis paper introduces methods for computing impulse response functions that do not require specification and estimation of the unknown dynamic multivariate systSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
The impulse responses provided in the pack can be used in a range of different convolution plug-ins, although the company are encouraging users to try out their GPU-powered Fireverb plug-in, which was released recently as part of a free Space & Time bundle. ...
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来源:Freesound前往原页面查看译文 作者:Fission9 许可:CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述:An impulse response created in Audacity with the use of the Ambience plugin by Smartelectronix. It emulates the natural reverb of a forest or similar environment. Also, if you're interested, check out my Impulse R...
来源:Freesound前往原页面查看译文 作者:jorickhoofd 许可:CC-BY 保留署名许可协议 描述:Staircase ImpulseResponse long reverb 15m away clap 标签:ImpulseResponseclap15mreverblongawayStaircase 加入任务队列 前往声音页面 ——— 类似的声音 ——— 脉冲响应...
royalty-free impulse responsesStereo, Surround & Ambisonic • 96kHz/24bit • 12.1GB Fields & Spaces: Outdoor Impulse Responses €249,00 CHOOSE YOUR EDITION Stereo Surround Ambisonic Contains STEREO, SURROUND & AMBISONIC impulse responses
Why Creating Impulse Responses is a Hassle Creating IRs require: Your recording gear. A playback device for a reference song or sample. A clapperboard or slate. A monitor. Cabling. AC power (for the monitor). Additional time to set up gear and record the IR. ...