IMPROVING METHOD OF DRAINAGE AND SOILPURPOSE: To easily and inexpensively improve drainage, by providing holes having a specified diameter and depth on the ground surface at every appropriate distance and charging well-drained river sand and a soil conditioner in the holes.SERI TAKAYUKI...
Mobility of arsenic and selected metals during re-flooding of iron- and organic-rich acid-sulfate soil The drainage-induced oxidation of iron-sulfide minerals in acid-sulfate soils has adversely affected large areas of coastal floodplains. Re-flooding of the......
Good soil is the foundation of a successful garden. Start by removing weeds, rocks, or debris from the garden area. Loosen the soil using a garden fork or tiller, breaking up clumps and improving drainage. If your soil is heavy or lacks nutrients, consider adding compost or organic matter ...
The reduction in soil water and increase in soil water stress were more serious in areas that had converted vegetation and loess soil than those had non-converted vegetation and non-loess soil. These findings might imply that vegetation greening will reach an upper limit due to the negative ...
many attempts have been made to enhance crop salinity tolerance through conventional breeding and plant omics technologies. There are two general types of methods required to combat salinization of the soil. The first is salinity control using irrigation and drainage methods and activities to engineer ...
The real measurement of ETc was carried out by means of a water balance according to the expression: ETc = R - D±W where ETc is the evapotranspiration of the crop; R irrigation; D the drainage and W the variation of substrate moisture during the cultivation cycle. The water content of ...
Pb has been considered a “chemical of very high concern” because it is one of the harmful heavy metal contaminants that linger in the soil for a more extended period5. Pb occurs in the bound state or as a free metal ion in soil and ultimately disrupts the microbiota of soil6, which ...
“At that stage I visited Professor Bill Hunt of North Carolina State University in America who is conducting research into Low Impact Sustainable Drainage (LID) systems for North Carolina’s government and when I returned we began experimenting with some of things he was doin...
Effects of improved drainage and nitrogen source on yields, nutrient uptake and utilization efficiencies by maize (Zea mays L.) on Vertisols in sub-humid e... Nitrogen is the most limiting plant nutrient in Vertisols in Kenya. Soil properties, climatic conditions and management factors as well ...
soil infiltration distribution. Soil water drainage is estimated based onβand field capacity drainage fraction.FER0,W0limand maximum stomatal conductance (Gsmax) are applied for evaporation modelling, e.g., via rainfall interception evaporation, soil evaporation, and maximum transpiration, respectively....