This study investigates the effect of social comparisons with media models on women's body image based on either self-evaluation or self-improvement motives. Ninety-eight women, for whom appearance was a relevant comparison dimension, viewed advertisements that did, or did not, feature idealised mod...
One effective way to support Continuous Improvement is through value stream mapping. Avalue streamis a sequence of activities an organization undertakes to deliver on a customer request. Value stream mapping is a highly effective way to learn to see and resolve disconnects, redu...
This paper offers a novel approach to formulate efficient ratio estimator of the population variance using a transformed auxiliary variable. The impact of transformation on auxiliary information has also been discussed. It is observed that incorporating
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
0014 Register of CBOR Tags Open 0016 Cardano URIs Open 0017 Settlement Speed Open Last updated on 2024-09-03 💡 For more details about CPS statuses, refer to CIP-9999. Proposals Under Review (CPS) The following link lists "candidate" CPSs still under discussion with the community; these...
The notes don't display on the improvement action's details page. To view notes, or to add notes, you need to select the Edit notes command in the upper right of the improvement action's details page. When you select Edit notes, the Edit action details flyout pane appears. A text ...
[#[ Whitespace ]] is a sequence of one or more [[ whitespace characters ][whitespace-characters]] A [#[Unicode whitespace character][unicode-whitespace-character]] is any code point in the Unicode [* Zs *] class, or [@ tab ], [@ carriage-return ], [@ newline ], or [@ form ...
Take control of your time and unlock your full potential with Atom - your partner in deep work and personal development. Start your journey today! What’s New 26 Jul 2023 Version 1.1 NEW Preset Breaks: Quickly add preset productive breaks by choosing from one of the preset options ...
The distribution defects of sterile packages are classified into the following categories: (1) Seal quality defects: plastic punch is not sealed, sealing is incomplete, or sealing strip has wrinkles and bubbles; (2) Defects of label outside the package: package name on the label is ...
Purpose of the pull request Refactor the master/ worker server overload logic. Enable closing the overload protection Support set jvmMemory/SystemMemory/cpuUsage/diskUsage protection. Get the metr...