The aim of this study is to explore the safety and efficacy of bee venom immunotherapy without HSA, in real-life patients. Methods: This is an observational retrospective study developed in seven hospitals in Spain, where patients treated with this immun
tThheestirgancaklerdesoobljveecrt.tTrahnestmraitcskietds toimbjeecdt atrtaan(sinmmitsililtissetcimonedd) atotaa(ihnomstiPllCis.econd) to a host the laser sweeping signal is received by the photodiode, the front-end circuit performs preamApftleifir ctahteiolna,sfierlteswrinegepain...
The time required for SPA* is even less, about 2 s, when the scale of the forecast data is “Every 6 h”. However, at this time, the risk control capability of SPA* decreases a bit compared to the “Daily” case. This is in line with the results of the parametric experiments. ...
Owing to the relatively small scale of example, the optimal solution obtained by NSGA-II was unique, i.e., the minimum total processing EC was 0.9744 × 104 kJ and the minimum total processing cost was 34.88RMB. However, since makespan was not considered as the optimization goal, the ...