In this paper, a two-stage improved gray wolf optimization (IGWO) algorithm for feature selection on high-dimensional data is proposed. In the first stage, a multilayer perceptron (MLP) network with group lasso regularization terms is first trained to construct an integer optimization problem ...
关键词: 灰狼优化算法;约束优化;非固定多段映射罚函数法;佳点集 中图分类号: TP301.6 文献标志码:A Improvedgreywolfoptimizationalgorithmforconstrained optimizationproblem 1* 2 3 LONGWen ,ZHA Dongquan ,XUSongjin (1.GuizhouKeyLaboratoryofEconomicsSystemSimulation(GuizhouUniversityofFinanceEconomics),Guiyang...
An improved grey wolf optimization (IGWO) algorithm is proposed for solving constrained mechanical design problems in this paper. In proposed IGWO algorithm, a novel nonlinearly update equation of convergence factor based on sines function is presented to balance the exploration ability and exploitation...
The grey wolf optimizer (GWO) is a novel type of swarm intelligence optimization algorithm. An improved grey wolf optimizer (IGWO) with evolution and elimination mechanism was proposed so as to achieve the proper compromise between exploration and exploitation, further accelerate the convergence and i...
Two-stage improved Grey Wolf optimization algorithm for feature selection on high-dimensional classification 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 160 作者:C Shen,K Zhang 摘要: In recent years, evolutionary algorithms have shown great advantages in the field of feature selection because of their simplicity and...
The optimal scheduling problem of integrated energy system (IES) has the characteristics of high-dimensional nonlinearity. Using the traditional Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) to solve the problem, it is easy to fall into a local optimum in the process of opt
Finally, an improved grey wolf optimization algorithm is employed for optimization. Based on the IEEE33-node standard test system, simulations are conducted. Besides, it can be founded that the obtained fitness value of the proposed method is minimized compared with particle swarm optimization and ...
Evolutionary computation-based algorithmConstrained optimization problemsAugmented Lagrangian functionGrey wolf optimizationThis paper presents a novel constrained optimization algorithm named MAL-IGWO, which integrates the benefit of the improved grey wolf optimization (IGWO) capability for discovering the global...
Traditional calibration technology has been widely used in measurement and monitoring; however, there are limitations of poor calibration accuracy, which can not meet the accuracy requirements in some scenarios. About this problem, we proposed a grey wolf optimization algorithm based on levy flight and...
In this paper, two novel meta-heuristic algorithms are introduced to solve global optimization problems inspired by the Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) algorithm. In the GWO algorithm, wolves are likely to be located in regions close to each other. Therefore, as they catch the hunt (approaching the...