12.5 seconds is insane to load the page. There seems to be issues around Gnosis Chain RPC calls occurring constantly. Each request to the Gnosis Chain RPC takes about 400ms in my testing. We should definitely be able to get this page to ...
TTFB stands fortime to first byte. To put it simply, this is a measurement of how long the browser has to wait before receiving its first byte of data from the server. The longer it takes to get that data, the longer it takes to display your page. A common misconception is that this...
Slow loading pages can deter customers, but how do you know what's a slow speed? Learn average page load time here and ways to improve your site's speed!
San Jose, California, USA:Decrease of 33.02% in total load time with a CDN Melbourne, Australia:Decrease of 54.19% in total load time with a CDN. Stockholm, Sweden:Decrease of 54.7% in total load time with a CDN. The CDN produced slightly faster page load times with both Dallas and San...
Background At the moment, it takes significant amount of time for Ketcher to be initially loaded (around 15 seconds) Solution It is required to reduce the time for initial load.
Speed Up Page Load By Tricking the Browser Nettiquette is built into web browsers. When you go to download a page, its contents will load in at a max of 2 files at a time (by default). So if there are 12 CSS and JS files, you’ll only get 2 at a time until you load them...
2. Prioritize page load time Site speedcan make a huge difference in getting visitors onto a landing page and keeping them engaged once they’ve arrived. According toContentsquare, when a page takes more than two seconds to load, 49% of users will leave. That’s nearly one in two users....
Page speed is a measurement of how fast the content on your page loads. Page speed is often confused with "site speed," which is actually the page speed for a sample of page views on a site. Page speed can be described in either "page load time" (the time it takes to fully display...
If you test your website using PageSpeed Insights or other testing tool like GTMetrix, you’ll often come across Time to First Byte (TTFB). This is a measure of how long it takes from the initial request for a web page to the first element being drawn on the visitor’s browser. ...
“Google’s mobile-first indexing is many quarters away, why do I need to optimize my site’s load time on priority now?” Let me explain: Theattention span of today’s website visitors is just 7 seconds, and that is less than that of a gold fish. Page speed matters more than ...