At Improv-LA the focus is different. From class #1, our goal is for you to reach your goals for signing up for an improv class in the first place. The classes work around the students in them. Want to be better at public speaking, or get outside of your comfort zone and gain confi...
Our improv classes help people work towards radical change with a playful mindset, decreasing anxiety and boosting self-confidence.
Just then an actual Best Buy floor clerk approached me: Employee: “You can’t talk to my customers”. Simmons: “I’m just having a friendly conversation with these people” Employee: “But you don’t work here.” Simmons: “It’s a free country I feel I can speak with anybody I ...
Collin:Rusty Petersen is one of the reasons groups better themselves in this community. I believe that becoming proficient at performing comes from taking classes, watching shows, and most importantly, doing shows. I was able to perform my first week in Chicago because of Rusty and independent s...
Oh no! All those Gym classes, I never knew… Keep us laughing, IE!! Hats off to you! steve 16 years ago This remains as one of my favorite missions on this entire site. Cheers on a job well done! If I might ask, what are the two bits of music used in the video? JJ 16 ...
In addition to reading about it in the news on Monday, a student in one of my UCB classes works there, and he told me on Thursday what an awesome guy he had been and how everyone was shocked and upset at what had happened. Your comment here is the first I’ve heard that his ...