Jiao and Bai (2020) studied the factors that are most associated with ES use in Austin Texas and demonstrated the significance of high population density, high education level, short distance to the city center, multimodality, and compact land use. Show abstract E-scooters and sustainability: ...
everyone is wearing a mask. When checking in and waiting in line, they actually have people going through and telling people to back up for social distancing. Quite a change from the United States, especially Texas. I'
The problem with Mark was that he was pretty slow downwind, so our focus was to make him a bit more competitive for the trials. We spent two weeks training inOregononColumbia Riverdoing 20-25 miles downwind every second day. After moving toTexasfor the trials we kept training for another ...
TheTexasCEO’sNanny TimeForFamily MyCrazyWhiteBoy DESCRIPTION LaDasiaAndrewshatesWestonFraiser,thebasketballplayerwhoownsthe clubrightnexttoherdeli.It’shardenoughforasingleblackmomtomake alivingwithoutwhitebasketballplayerscominginandtryingtoactall thugwhilestealinghercustomers.ButthenWestondoessomethingthat shocks...