adj.+n. improper use,improper conduct,improper storage,improper purpose 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 improper 显示所有例句 adj. 1. 不诚实的;不正当的;不道德的dishonest, or morally wrong 2. 不合适的;不适当的;不得体的not suited or appropriate to the situation ...
improperbusiness practices 不正当的商业手法 牛津词典 He would never beimproper, he is always the perfect gentleman. 他总是举止得体,一直是个完美的绅士。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Theimproperuse of medicine could lead to severe adverse reactions.
improper的意思、解释 improper 基本解释 形容词不合适的,非正常的; 不正确的; 不正派的,不合礼仪的; 不道德的 improper的反义词 improper 同义词 形容词unsuitableunfitbadwronginappropriateunbecomingincorrectindecent improper 反义词 形容词proper improper 相关例句 ...
副词: improperly 名词: improperness 日语:不適切な 法语:incorrect 德语:unpassend 韩语:부적절한 俄语:incorrecto 成人英语MBA联考单词大全 详情解释 英英释义 词典解释 网络解释 adj.(形容词) 不合适的,不适当的,不妥当的 错误的,不正确的 不道德的 不合礼仪的,不成体统的,不得体的 不正当的 不...
improper command非法命令 improper eigenfunction异常本征函数,非正常特征函数 improper integral广义积分,异常积分,奇异积分 improper intergral反常积分 相似单词 impropera. 不合适的,错误的,不道德的 最新单词 antebrachium的中文意思n. 前臂 antebellum的中文意思a. 战前的,南北战争前的 ...
The meaning of IMPROPER is not proper. How to use improper in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Improper.
1. Not suited to circumstances or needs; unsuitable: improper shoes for a hike; improper medical treatment. 2. Not in keeping with conventional mores; indecorous: improper behavior; an improper suggestion. See Synonyms at unseemly. 3. Not consistent with established truth, fact, or rule; incorr...
improper是正确的单词。解释如下:在英语中,“improper”是一个形容词,用来描述行为、态度、方式等不符合常规或道德准则的状态。这个词在日常语境中广泛使用,其含义包括不适当的、不得体的、不合规矩的等。例如,“Your behavior at the party was improper.”这是一个符合英语...
Improper,indecent,unbecoming,unseemlyare applied to that which is unfitting or not in accordance with propriety.Improperhas a wide range, being applied to whatever is not suitable or fitting, and often specifically to what does not conform to the standards of conventional morality:improper diet; im...