《日出·印象》作者:克劳德·莫奈类别:画布油画 规格 48×64厘米 现藏于巴黎马尔莫丹艺术馆。 《日出·印象》(法语:Impression,Soleil levant)是法国印象派画家克劳德·莫奈于1872年在勒阿弗尔港口创作的一幅油画。 该画描绘了晨雾笼罩中的日出港口景象,用美妙的光的变幻与运动展现了迷人景色,以及画家用轻快跳跃的笔触...
克劳德·莫奈(Claude Monet)作品《印象·日出》无水印高清油画免费下载,创作年代:1872,图片尺寸:5773 × 4478 像素,风格:印象派,体裁:城市风光,超高清世界名画尽在-麦田艺术 nbfox.com。
#西方绘画艺术# 《印象·日出》(Impression, soleil levant)/ [法国] 克劳德·莫奈 (Claude Monet) / 1872年 / 法国玛摩丹美术馆(Musée Marmottan Monet) 1872年莫奈回到故乡法国勒阿弗尔(Le Havre),绘制了六幅描绘勒阿弗尔港的作品,分别描绘不同时间段的勒阿弗尔港口景色,《印象·日出》为其中一幅。 法国评论家...
《日出·印象》(Impression Sunrise)是克劳德·莫奈(Claude Monet)于1872年创作的一幅画布油画,是印象派运动的奠基之作,现藏于马蒙坦莫奈美术馆(或巴黎马蒙丹艺术馆)。以下是对这幅画作的详细介绍: 一、画作基本信息 画作名称:《日出·印象》(Impression Sunrise) 作者:克劳德·莫奈...
Impression, Sunrise (Impression, soleil levant) is a painting by Claude Monet. It gave rise to the name of the Impressionist movement. Dated 1872, its subject is the harbour of Le Havre in France, using very loose brush strokes that suggest rather than delineate it. Monet explained the ...
with little importance given to details. Shapes are formed by how the colors of the scene are detected, forming pictures naturally. Monet originally named the painting Marina, but changed the title toImpression, Sunrise (Impression, Soleil Levant)for the 1874 Exhibition catalog listing. Little did...
Impression Sunrise by Claude Monet This famous painting, Impression, Sunrise, was created from a scene in the port of Le Havre. Monet depicts a mist, which provides a hazy background to the piece set in the French harbor. The orange and yellow hues contrast brilliantly with the dark ...
《日出·印象》(英语:Impression Sunrise;法语:Impression,Soleil levant)是法国印象派画家克劳德·莫奈于1872年在勒阿弗尔港口创作的一幅油画。该画描绘了晨雾笼罩中的日出港口景象,用美妙的光的变幻与运动展现了迷人景色,以及画家用轻快跳跃的笔触刻画了光在宽阔的海面上反射与颤动的生动景象。现藏于巴黎马尔莫丹...