While digital sexual behaviors have been prominent in health, safety, and educational discourses since the conception of the world wide web (Courtice & Shaughnessy,2017), with the emphasis of physical separation during the pandemic, the research has taken on a new vigor. Nessaibia et al. (2021...
zh-cn.recruiterz.co.uk In addition, you should never givetheimpressionthatyouarespeaking on behalfofCigna in any personal communication. kronoshealth.com kronoshealth.com 此外,您不得在任何个人交流中给他人留下 代表Cigna 发言的印象。 kronoshealth.com ...
Public Health England (2020). Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment 2nd Edition Endorsed by. [online] Available at: https://www.rqia.org.uk/RQIA/files/44/449bdd1c-ccb0-4322-b0df-616a0de88fe4.pdf. York.ac.uk. (2019). PROSPERO. [online] Availab...
Bing and Google are both search engines that offer paid advertising and follow the same broad set of principles to rank organic results, considering backlinks, content quality, technical health, and so on. Yet when we search for the same query in both of these search engines, we can often ...
Question 1: Do human social, demographic and health trait judgements of Barbary macaque faces predict intended human-macaque proximity? From the online questionnaire, perceived social, demographic and health traits predicted how closely people would approach the macaques to interact with them (Table1)....
Browning, Sandford, Shalchi, Powell and Brione, 2022 S. Browning, M. Sandford, A. Shalchi, A. Powell, P. Brione Coronavirus: Support for businesses House of commons Library (2022) Retrieved from: https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-8847/CBP-8847.pdf Accessed on 5th...
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Since a strong and resilient nursing workforce is crucial to effective healthcare delivery [29], this study aimed to investigate the extending negative effects of IM on organizational outcomes in the nursing context. Specifically, this study aimed to understand the impact of IM on workplace exclusio...
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