Messi +10 "impossible is nothing" Adidas campaign for World cup 2006 看好荷兰送梅西回潘帕斯吃烤肉![哈哈] 📸©️ Jan Pitman / @adidasfootball#荷兰vs阿根廷#
He points out that the upload part in Adidas' Impossible is nothing campaign is just a small bonus to the big idea. He believes that its naive and simple manner is charming. He discusses the entertainment value of Danish Bacon's The Man Sandwich campaign. He criticizes the Sail Away quiz ...
insixyears.ImpossibleisnothingistheconceptbehindAdidas’brandpositioning"foreversport"that clearlyandemotionallycommunicatestheirpassionforsport." Adidas’campaignisverysuccessful,inthesensethatitattractsandcommunicatestotheir consumersinawaythatproducestheirdesiredresults.Thesloganconveysasenseofcourageand self-fulfillment...
广告品牌:Adidas 发布日期:2007-01-01 行业领域:服装配饰,穿着/装扮 媒体类别:短视频 广告语言:英语 媒介平台:网络 获得奖项: Clio 2008 铜奖(Product/Service - Campaign) 综合评分 0 暂无评分 创意 0 文案 0 视觉 0 创作者 广告公司:180 (荷兰 阿姆斯特丹) ...
The number of stores is not as good as Lining, and the amount of sales is hard to beat Nike. Now it is time for Adidas to prove "no impossible". Over the years, Adidas has always believed in "Impossible is nothing". In China, the German company, which has been lagging behind the ...
The seemingly impossible thing has become true. The Adidas logo and a "Impossible Is Nothing" on the runway show the theme spirit of the event as well as the Adidas brand. With the release of the 2006 World Cup, Adidas has planned a series of public relations events. ...
阿迪达斯| 没有什么是不可能的-达米安·利拉德(adidas | IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING - Damian Lillard) f5 爱-不可能的爱(F5 Love - Impossible Love) 人脸映射演示(Facemapping demo) 不可能的软件视频广告 - 2D智能覆盖(Impossible Software Video Advertising - 2D Smart Overlays) ...
阿迪达斯| 没有什么是不可能的-达米安·利拉德(adidas | IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING - Damian Lillard) f5 爱-不可能的爱(F5 Love - Impossible Love) 演示2(avea - Demo 2) 人脸映射演示(Facemapping demo) 不可能的软件视频广告 - 2D智能覆盖(Impossible Software Video Advertising - 2D Smart Overlays) ...
Entitled "Together in 2008, Impossible is Nothing," it is an integrated marketing campaign aimed at engaging Chinese consumers on a new level. Through a combination of TV, print, outdoor media, public relations, digital, point-of-sale and road show activities, it provides various platforms enab...
Entitled "Together in 2008, Impossible is Nothing," it is an integrated marketing campaign aimed at engaging Chinese consumers on a new level. Through a combination of TV, print, outdoor media, public relations, digital, point-of-sale and road show activities, it provides various platforms enab...