The Impossible Heir(2024– ) TV Series|Action, Crime, Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track Depicts the power struggle of chaebol families. An exciting confrontation between a dirt spoon and a gold spoon unfolds. Read more:Plot summary Seasons ...
The Impossible Heir is a revenge drama series written by Choi Won and directed by Min Yeon-hong and Lee Hyang-bong. The Disney+ series follows the story of Kang In-ha who leaves his life of poverty behind after finding out that he is an illegitimate son of a conglomerate owner. Shunned...
The 10th episode of The Impossible Heir is full of twists, completely changing the course of the plot. Taeoh will eventually be proven innocent, and the culprit, Mo Gijun, will be taken into custody. However, the revelation of the actual culprit, Inha, is still pending! The responsibility...
In his absence, Munster’s Jack Crowley has emerged as Sexton’s heir apparent. “Jack has come on leaps and bounds over the last year or two,” said Dowling. “I think he’ll surprise a lot of people on Friday night. He might not be at Sext...
With every passing episode of The Impossible Heir, the plot keeps getting convoluted. There are several questions that come to mind while watching the fifth episode of The Impossible Heir, but a majority of them are to be clarified by the end of this episode. Directed by Min Yeon-hong and...