Importing photos from a camera to Lightroom on an iPhone or iPad requires two imports — one to the Camera Roll, and one to Lightroom itself. But, with an upcoming update to Lightroom CC, mobile imports will soon be less of a pain. In a sneak peek shared on November 13, Adobe Light...
I have the iPhone connected to the MacBook with a lightning cable. When I try to import photos from the iPhone, Lightroom never progresses. I selected Command>Option>Esc and confirmed the program is not frozen. I noted that it created some temporary folders in the dest...
Solved: Problem: The standard "how to import Apple Photos to Lightroom" guide calls for you to select "Download All Originals" in Photos - 11713703
在Lightroom Classic 中,单击图库模块中的导入按钮,或者选择文件>导入照片和视频以打开导入窗口。 3. 将 Lightroom Classic 指向相机或读卡器。 在导入窗口的左侧,使用源面板可导航到含有要导入照片的设备或存储卡:单击从或选择源可查找设备。 选中的相机将作为导入源 注意: 如果从连接的相机存储卡中导入照片,...
Is there a way to do that? Ratings are the most important think I'd like to be able to import. I'm currently using iPhoto 9 and Lightroom 2 - but I guess I could update (iPhoto) if that would help photos import iphoto pictures adobe-lightroom Share Improve this question ...
將相片讀入 Lightroom Classic 時,系統會為相片本身和編目中的相片記錄建立連結。如果是從相機或讀卡器讀入相片,Lightroom Classic 會將相片拷貝至您的硬碟,並在編目中增加相片連結。 讀入相片時,請由左至右依序執行讀入視窗中的步驟。首先,在左側找出要讀入的檔案 (「來源」檔案)。接著,在視窗中間選擇將相片讀入...
When you import your images into Lightroom, there are probably several repetitive step that you do to most of your photos. As Scott mentioned a few posts back, he almost always adds a vignette of -11. I almost always add a touch of Clarity and Sharpening along with the Auto Tone...
If you are the type of person who uses Lightroom Classic to import the photos from a memory card while copying them to a final destination there is a snag in the workflow with these type of files. If you import a card into LrC that contains raw burst files you will see an Import Res...
So all this has made it hard for me to delete photos that I don't want from both the places. Is there any solution to delete the photos easily from both the places? Or any way to easily locate the deleted photos in my external storage so that I can delete them? or at-least any ...
Example: I have a 99.7MB 4k clip imported to Photos from Lightroom. It has a wrong time on it - LR export time, not the actual time I took the video. a) without changing anything, I drag this video from Photos to my desktop. The video keeps the same 99.7MB size b) I correct ...