1、右击项目,New->Folder,然后将jar包复制粘贴到目录下,右击选择Build Path->Add to Build Path;
当你在Android Studio中遇到“Importing Gradle project卡住”的问题时,可以尝试以下几个步骤来排查和解决: 检查网络连接: Gradle在导入项目时需要从远程仓库下载依赖和插件,如果网络连接不稳定或速度慢,可能会导致导入过程卡住。 如果你在使用代理服务器,确保在Gradle配置中正确设置了代理。可以在gradle.properties文件中...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于importing Gradle project那么慢的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及importing Gradle project那么慢问答内容。更多importing Gradle project那么慢相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进
Importing/re-importing a Gradle project in IntelliJ takes about 10 mins for me. This is a very small project with few dependencies. While it is importing, all I see is this: It is not giving me any indication what it is spending all of the time on. I'm convinced that the proble...
Import Project -> (Chosen directory to import) -> Import project from external model, Gradle -> Gradle Home: /usr/local/Cellar/gradle/2.4/libexec Gradle JVM:Use JAVA_HOME (not defined yet) From shell: >echo $JAVA_HOME /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45...
Build issue after importing a non gradle (Titanium Android Module) existing project in Android Studio which has different folder structure. I have an existing project based on Titanium framework but want to use it in Android Studio for further development. Imported exis...
On Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:04:18 AM UTC-6, Vaibhav Vishal wrote: > > This issue has already been reported but i am still getting this with > 0.14.4 plugin even though my project was working well with 0.14.2 > > Earlier i was working with Android studio 0.9.2 so i thought...
this is the build.gradle of the common project: apply plugin:'java' dependencies{ compile fileTree(dir:'libs',include:['*.jar']) } sourceCompatibility="1.7" targetCompatibility="1.7" this is the build.gradle of the app: apply plugin:'com.android.application' ...