pub fn import(py: Python) -> PyResult<Self> { let module = PyModule::import(py, "qiskit.circuit")?; Ok(Self { circuit: module .getattr("QuantumCircuit")? .downcast::<PyType>()? .into_py(py), qreg: module .getattr("QuantumRegister")? .downcast::<PyType>()? .into_py(py), ...
called '' and the first code file tried to import 'random', the '' file in the same directory would be ignored and instead it would go off any use the 'random' module distributed with Python instead. With the new importer though it will look in the same directory fir...
and are tightly integrated with the compiler logic that auto-conforms certain C++ types to Swift protocols likeRandomAccessCollection. Eventually we would like to move Cxx and CxxStdlib back into the SDK, but it's too early for that now – we're planning a few changes that would break compa...