In UPSC CSE 2021 Prelims, the percentage of modern history questions was 7.4% overall. From 2013 to 2021, the average number of questions per year from the Modern History of India alone has been 7. In 2020, 7 questions were there, which was 1 less in 2019 and ...
Important Dynasties and kingdoms of Ancient India UPSC IAS Prelims Examination, Haryanka Dynasty, Shishunaga Dynasty, Nanda Dynasty, Mauryan Dynasty, Indo-Scythians Kingdom, the Kushans, Cholas, Cheras, Pandyas. For UPSC 2024 preparation, follow BYJU'S
National Emblem of India UPSC The national emblem of any country is a symbol of its authority and constitutional values. The Indian national emblem encapsulates within it, our long cultural history and important values of Indian culture, which are also inherent in our Constitution. It is inspired ...
Jallikattu for UPSC Exam: Jallikattu is a sport conducted as a part of Mattu Pongal. Read origin, arguments in favour and against the Jallikattu sport. Get important facts about Jallikattu for UPSC 2023 preparation.
focus areas as most of the questions will be based on the areas mentioned. This can be marked as the very important topics for the preparation of SSLC exam March 2022. The classroom sessions starting from January 1st will also concentrate on the below mentioned focus areas of different ...
Global Biofuel Alliance- Advantage of biofeul; Is biofuel renewable?Types of Biofuels; Why is it important? Click here to know more for UPSC Exam.
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