it also takes place around August or September. Day one is all about fasting, visiting temples, singing and praying while day two is about making human pyramids in order to reach hanging clay pots full of butter, curd and money. Weird combo but apparently ...
Vishu, the cultural festival celebrates the Hindu New Year in the part of Kerala, Tulu Nadu, and Mahe of India. According to the Malayalam solar calendar, the first month of Medam is referred to as Vishu. It is observed annually on April 15. The Malayalam New Year is observed with tremen...
Al-Azhar Mosque has a rich historical background. Its cornerstone was laid on Ramadan 14, 359 AH (970 AD), during the opulent Fatimid dynasty. The mosque’s construction began during Ramadan in 361 AH (972 AD) under the order of Jawhar al-Saqli, the renowned leader who founded the ci...
who had made Indra’s victory possible. Indra and other Devas had forgotten this and were boasting about their strength. Nothing in the universe moves without the will of That. The will of That decides death and birth. Every single atom in the universe derives energy from That. ...
In Hinduism, the concept that ignorance of one’s real nature and potentiality is a fundamental cause of suffering is deeply rooted in the philosophical teachings of Vedanta, particularly Advaita Vedanta. This ignorance, known asAvidyaorMaya, leads to a misunderstanding of the self, which in turn...