For diagnostic research on appendicitis in registration data, insight is needed in the way GPs generate medical records. We aimed to reach a consensus on the features that GPs consider important in the consultation and medical records when evaluating a c
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on 5-mm tissue sections mounted on glass slides, which were dewaxed and rehydrated with graded alcohols to double-distilled H2O. Heat- induced epitope retrieval was performed by heating sections in 0.01% citraconic anhydride containing 0.05% Tween-20 or 1 Â Diva buffer (Biocare Medical) in...
Moreover, transmission electron microscopy revealed similar ultrastructures between resting and collagen-related peptide (CRP)-activated WT and DREAM-null platelets (Figure 3B). As extrapolated from the thickness of the sections (80 nm), the number of α-granules was similar between resting WT and...
13-1 Takara-machi, Kanazawa 920-8641, Ishikawa, Japan * Correspondence:; Tel.: +81-76-265-2259 Citation: Goten, C.; Usui, S.; Takashima, S.-i.; Inoue, O.; Yamaguchi, K.; Hashimuko, D.; Takeda, Y.; Nomura, A.; Sakata, K.; Kaneko, S.; et...
have reported weak staining of GRP78 in the chemotherapy-sensitive ovarian tumor sections compared to strong staining in the cisplatin-resistant C13K cells [131]. Moreover, the same researchers found that GRP78 knockdown in cisplatin-resistant OC cells could rescue the senescence sensitivity to ...