Why is Shylock important in The Merchant of Venice? Why is Malvolio important to "Twelfth Night"? Why does Johnny live with the Lapham family in Johnny Tremain? Why did the pigs change the commandments in Animal Farm? Why is Don Quixote famous?
Explain Act 3 Scene 2 of "Merchant Of Venice" In ''Macbeth'', is Duncan an effective king? Summarize what different literary critics and scholars have said about different aspects of Shakespeare's Macbeth. What other Shakespeare play can one compare to King Lear in terms of theme?
How is Antonio presented in The Merchant of Venice? What information is learned in the prologue of "Oedipus Rex"? What lessons about life does Manolin learn from Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea? What is the lesson of Oliver Twist?
“The Comedy of Errors” “The Merchant of Venice” “The Merry Wives of Windsor” “The Taming of the Shrew” “The Tempest” “Timon of Athens” (Show more) Show More Top Questions What was Shakespeare’s family like? How many plays did Shakespeare write?