The lions symbolize thestrengthandcouragethat India embodies in the international arena, while the Dharma Chakra emphasizes the continuous and balanced pursuit ofjusticeandmorality. It serves as a reminder of India’s historical legacy, diverse cultural values, and dedication to peace, unity, and ethi...
It's easy to say the world wouldn't be where it is today without the significant events that transpired throughout the 20th century. These important historical events, such as World War II, Sputnik, and the invention of the internet, truly shaped our world and paved the way for the 21st...
Chandragupta Maurya, who was a pivotal figure in Indian history, was born around 340 BC to a huge family. He was the founder of the Maurya Empire in India and reigned from approximately 321 to 297 BC. It is clear from ancient historical texts that he was a follower of Jainism. He ren...
Attorney General of India (in Punjabi) 13:43mins 32 Important Commissions (in Punjabi) 6:57mins 33 Panchayti Raj and Important Committees (in Punjabi) 6:27mins 34 Panchayati Raj and Important Facts - 2 (in Punjabi) 7:26mins Crack PPSC with Unacademy ...
Its ability to cook, defrost, and reheat dry food in a fraction of conventional cooking time has made it immensely popular. However, there are also many myths and misconceptions about microwave oven usage. This article will explore vital facts and clarify common myths about these useful ...
Issue Awareness: Be aware of the issues addressed in the passage. Legal Insight: Understand and analyze legal issues and facts related to the passage. Summarization: Summarize judgments or statutes provided in the passage. Application of Knowledge: Apply your knowledge of the fields of law as disc...
B. show that anyone can create good Internet hoaxes with some factsC. explain that, even though they seem false, Internet hoaxes might be trueD. tell people to be careful of Internet hoaxes by giving some examples 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [短文填空] I believe that we can have an ...
Collection of famous and memorable historical events happened around the world in the year 1761, nicely categorized month wise and many more.
Cyrus the Great came to power in Persia in 559 BC. The Achaemenid Empire is known to have been the largest empire in the ancient world. It extended from Anatolia and Egypt, across Western Asia to North India and Central Asia. It also included Cappadocia, Armenia, Parthia, Aria, and Hyr...
It is no different today. The high priests given the task of telling people what they believe and passing down these false beliefs as if they were facts from the gods themselves. Human egos are always trying to elevate these priests (PhDs) into some form of messenger from God. If they ...