and their use, the offence to give or disclose information obtained or received officially, the proposed amendment to section 33 of the TO, amendments [...] 法案委員會進行商議期間,委員曾對下 述事宜表示關注:採用循序漸進的方式、通訊局的設立、其職 能及成員組合、會議及處理事務、...
Ethical statement All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee (institutional and national) and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments. The study protocol was approved by the local ethical c...
1169/2011 from 25.10.2011 with Amendments. Regulation of the European Council (EU) no. 1155/2013 from 21.08.2013, Regulation of the European Council (EU) no. 78/2014 from 22.11.2013 (applied from 19 February 2014). Available online: (...