even though some object to its use on the grounds that more important is an elliptical form of “What is more important” and that the adverb importantly could not occur in such a construction. More importantly probably developed by analogy with other sentence-modifying adverbs, ascuriously, fort...
even though some object to its use on the grounds thatmoreimportantis an elliptical form of "What is more important'' and that the adverbimportantlycould not occur in such a construction.Moreimportantlyprobably developed by analogy with other sentence-modifying adverbs, ascuriously, fortunately,andre...
of course, it doesn't. And somore important, it was helpfully postulated, was actually part of the longer phrase "what is more important," with an imagined ellipsis sweeping the "what is" away in the final version. The postulation is not absurd: such things do happen in grammar...
When having a conversation, we often use sounds like “uh” and “um” to fill the space. Besides these filler sounds, which buy us time to think, there are also filler words which we often use subconsciously in writing. These include adverbs that: Convey intensity, like “very” and “...
Build your vocabulary.You should know the basic words that can be used when asking for directions.Learn the most commonly used prepositions(介词) and adverbs( 副词).Remember some important prepositions like"between"and"next to".And the adverbs like "near" and "around".They are ...
Convert passive sentences into their active counterparts; Shorten/split sentences exceeding 20 words; Remove unnecessary/problematic adverbs; Numerous grammatical errors; Most sentences are hard to understand (do extensive, high-quality reading and listening to improve your language sense.] Remain consistent...
Try it. Drop the “most” from the example quoted above; the sentence still works. Then, with “most” gone, drop the “ly” from “importantly”; the sentence no longer works. (Some mindless aversion to “ly” adverbs at the start of a sentence — an extension of misguided rigidity ...