National Emblem of India UPSC The national emblem of any country is a symbol of its authority and constitutional values. The Indian national emblem encapsulates within it, our long cultural history and important values of Indian culture, which are also inherent in our Constitution. It is inspired ...
IAS Exam aspirants might want to learn aboutEWS Criteria for UPSCwhich they can check in the linked article. 104th Amendment Act, 2020 Extended the deadline for the cessation of seats for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies from seventy years to eighty. Removed the reserved ...
SFIO also haspowers to arrest people for the violation of the Company law. A White-collar crime is anonviolent crime committed for financial gain.It is characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust. UPSC Civil Services Examination, Previous Year Questions (PYQs) ...
4. S4.uSbusbtrsattreasteosfoPfrdPxrd2x2 thethweTiwhdTeeihdpreeaopnrsaiogtnsieoigtnoieofoonsffuoCsbfuPsC-btSrPsaHt-trSeaHistneoistnfhoettfhhateehctRaeicvORteiOOvseHOitseHittyaetlplyaoepl.wleoAs.wpAasanprataangrfrtagogfrmregosrmsehisyvshdeiyvrndoeugrnoceulgneceolpnepeohprpioelhixrcioildxi...