The importance of pedagogical strategies mediated by ICT in the teaching and learning process is mentioned. The importance of inclusive education, teacher training, and the evaluation of educational quality is also highlighted. Additionally, the need ...
La importancia de la evaluación con magnetoencefalografía cuando la epilepsia interfiere en el aprendizajeMagnetoencephalographyEpilepsy and LearningEpilepsy DiagnosisEpileptic EncephalopathyFunctional NeuroimagingThis work's purpose is to analyze the factors associated with learning disabilities in epilepsy, ...
Tabla 1. Estadísticos descriptivos (M = media, DT = desviación típica) así como coeficiente de fiabilidad de cada factor de la escala EIEDD y del TEIQue-SF VariablesαMediaDT Puntuación global importancia en formación en inteligencia emocional .80 5.04 0.39 Factor 1: autocontrol .75 ...
The debriefing is used as a guided reflection after a simulation, and aims to analyze, make sense and learn from the simulated experience, being an essential step in the learning process. There are several proposed models for this reflection immediately after the clinical simulation, being the ...
17 No. 2 Junio de 2014 COMUNICACIÓN NO VERBAL EN LA NEGOCIACIÓN: LA IMPORTANCIA DE SABER EXPRESAR LO QUE SE DICE Fernando Gordillo León1, Rafael Manuel López Pérez2, Lilia Mestas Hernández3 y Beatriz Corbi Gran4 Universidad Camilo José Cela Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud ...
Importancia de las guías de trabajo autónomo en la educación virtual: Experiencias en el aprendizaje online de estadística aplicada con Moodleappliedstatisticsdidacticexperiencee-learningvirtuallearningplatformVirtual and e-learning programs are increasingly important in the world of higher education. The...
It is exemplified and it is explained its importance in the Physics teaching andlearning process.Eduardo Moltó GilInstituto Politécnico Nacional, Latin American Physics Education NetworkLatin-American Journal of Physics Education
For the proper analysis, teaching and learning of these expressions, it is necessary to attend both to their sociocultural characteristics, since they are a reflection of the communicative ethos of the communities that use them, and to the pragmatic-discursive ones due to their s...
This one has been a successful proposals of strengthness the management capacity in innovation project , hold in research accomplished by the universities and started by them up through managerial learning process. The results obtained was used to implementing management tools focused in the neediness ...
Espondilodiscitis infecciosa cervical: la importancia de la sospecha clínicaLearning Objectives:: After reading this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Define the principles of conservative and surgical treatment of pyogenic spontaneous spondylodiscitis. 2. Describe the indications for ...