Tourism is now one of the world's largest industries and one of its fastest growing economic sectors. For many countries tourism is seen as a main instrument for regional development, as it stimulates new economic activities. Tourism may have a positive economic impact on the balance of ...
Globalization is the free movement of goods, services and people across the world in a seamless and integrated manner. Globalization can be thought of to be the result of the opening up of the global economy and the concomitant increase in trade between nations....
An economy consists of many sectors. However, infrastructure is known to be the backbone of any economy. Roads, railways, electricity, and banking services are the very bedrock on which the modern economy grows. Until and unless a nation has robust infrastructure, any other industry will find ...
Preparing a globally competitive skilled workforce for Indian economy: emerging trends and challenges Vikalpa, 37 (3) (2012), pp. 87-128 Google Scholar [66] A. Horváthová, M. Hrnčiar, E. Rievajová Changes in the skills of the workforce for future development of the labor market in ...
The Ecotourism Society (1991a, b) defined it as“responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the environment and improves the well being of local people”. Richardson (1993) defined it as “ecologically sustainable tourism in natural areas that interprets local environment and c...
Indian OceanStraits ofMelakaAngkorJava 7Chinese Ceramics on the Maritime Silk RoadThe Importance of ContextJohn N. MiksicAbstractArchaeologists are just beginning to exploit the potential of Chinese ceramics to reconstruct patterns of trade. This chapter summarizes data showing the f luctuation in the...
this account scans all the incoming and outgoing of goods and services between countries. all the payments made for raw materials and constructed goods are covered under this account. few other deliveries that are included in this category are from tourism, engineering, stocks, business services, ...
Sports tourism exposes the tourist to the standard of achievement a country has reached so far as development of physical ability, skill and health are concerned. It is in fact a measure of all round progress of a country as health and physical prowess of a nation is an important indicator ...
The study investigated “Building Ecological Civilization: the Importance of Promoting Green Investments by Chinese Companies” to examine the complex connections between the factors affecting Chinese businesses’ ecological performance (EP). An autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model is used in the stu...
The absence of anophelines in this large tropical area, certainly with a suitable climate, is striking but has important implications in terms of public health and for local economy sectors depending on tourism. Specially, the Seychelles are malaria free, which constitutes a unique situation in ...