Non-Hispanic (NH) Black older adults experience substantially higher rates of potentially avoidable hospitalization compared to NH White older adults. This study explores the top three chronic conditions preceding hospitalization and potentially avoidabl
Boclips, the world’s leading provider of Ed-Ready videos, is pleased to share that we’ve become members of the EdSAFE AI... Learn more AI and personalized learning are changing the education sector As artificial intelligence technology has rapidly advanced in the last few years, so has...
"for the sake of humanity"... A small town American high school history project changes lives worldwide. These are the observations of a veteran teacher- on the Power of Teaching, the importance of the study of History, and especially the lessons we
The day got dark quickly, the nighttime sky star light is radiant. Nine Dragons Lake does not have daytime to be so lively, but is not lonely, to Sea of Souls Realm Master, several days will not sleep with eating meal to drink water such simply, w...
Fig. 1: Map and imagery overview of the study area. Results Precipitation data, streamflow, and hydraulic conductivity Nine storm events occurred during our study period from December 2020 to March 2022, with maximum rainfall intensities ranging from 7 to 20 mm/hr. Water year 1 (WY1) (Octobe...
Mate choice is one of the most important evolutionary mechanisms. Females can improve their fitness by selectively mating with certain males. We studied po
And instead of cursing your lost customers once it’s too late, you can take practical steps to build loyalty among your current customer base. A customer isn’t either loyal or disloyal. There’s a loyalty spectrum. Customers can be a little bit loyal or extremely loyal. Using the metrics...
Bill started the “football OK!” website two years ago, and now more than 20,000 people visit it every day.2.___ He usually gets up at six and looks at his e-mails.Then he goes to school from nine to fourteen.In the evenings, he always works for about four hours on his websi...
This is important not just because saving bandwidth is nice, but becauseperception of speed is important. Give the browser less work to do, especially if, like me, almost 10% of your users are mobile. Don't make these little phones work harder than they need to and remember ...
I have always loved playing on the piano and always will love playing it. I am about an average player. For hours I would sit at the piano playing different well-known songs as making up my own little tunes. I have been playing piano for almost nine years now, and I am starting the...