Free Essay: English is a widely accepted language in the scenario of today. It has become ‘global language’ and we can say has often been referred to as, the...
English As Medium Of Instruction Essay Nowadays, English is the global and technology language. English play an important role in the world and it works like a passport because it has improved a lot and became the language of technology and the language of internationals. As result, most of ...
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“EnglishLanguage Gives Important Role in Human Life” Language plays an important role in human life. As one of language in the world‚englishis considered and applied as an international language.Englishhas a vital role in all aspects of life‚ particularly in science and technology.Englishis...
In the end, the aftereffect of any woman being empowered can be seen in her upcoming life, society, and in the community. Read Also: Speech on women empowerment in English Essay on women empowerment in Hindi
in a proto-language. Renfrew also challenges the idea that Kurgan social structure and technology was sufficiently advanced to allow them to conquer whole continents in a time when even small cities did not exist. Far more credible, he argues, is that Proto-Indo-Europeans spread with the ...