In this condition, an Rh-negative woman who becomes pregnant with an Rh-positive fetus (an unborn child) sometimes develops anti-bodies against the Rh factor in the fetus. This development usually causes no problem during the woman's first pregnancy, since the number of anti-bodies produced ...
P‐IG‐26 | Importance of Prenatal Transfusion Work‐Up: A Case of Anti‐e and Anti‐Rh17 in a Pregnancy Complicated by Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborndoi:10.1111/trf.244_17554Muldoon, J.LePage, N.Bielen, K.Gabbard, A....
Collins P, Chalmers E, Chowdary P, Keeling D, Mathias M, O'Donnell J, Pasi KJ, Rangarajan S, Thomas A (2016) The use of enhanced half-life coagulation factor concentrates in routine clinical practice: guidance from UKHCDO. Haemophilia 22(4):487–498 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar ...
What is the importance of the scientific method in biology? Explain the importance of bacteriological testing of water and milk. What is the rhesus factor (Rh factor) and why is it important? What is the importance of studying fungi by a biology student? Why is reproduction essential for or...
to infectious and autoimmune diseases, individual odours, mating preferences, kin recognition, cooperation and pregnancy outcome. These diverse functions and characteristics place genes of the MHC among the best candidates for studies of mechanisms and significance of molecular adaptation in vertebrates. ...
The presence of rheumatoid factor in the serum of a patient is not diagnostic of rheumatoid arthritis. Why is this? Outline a diagnostic strategy for patients with suspected HH. Comment upon whether you consider a liver biopsy to be necessary for a definitive diagnosis of classical HH. ...
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Soon after the recognition of the health effects related to smoking, it has become evident that exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) also constitutes a health risk factor5and that there is no secure threshold of exposure6. For this reason, ETS was classified as carcinogenic for humans ...
OP32.01: The importance of standardizing pregnancy dating modelsABSTRACTSDURATION of pregnancyNo is available for this article.doi:10.1002/uog.11699John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology
Marceau K, Cinnamon Bidwell L, Karoly HC, Evans AS, Todorov AA, Palmer RH, Heath AC and Knopik VS (2018). Within-family effects of smoking during pregnancy on ADHD: the importance of phenotype. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 46(4) 685-699. 1007/s10802-017-...