Forms of social finance also include some segments of microfinance, specifically loans to small business owners and entrepreneurs in less-developed countries to enable their enterprises to grow. Lenders earn a return on their loans while simultaneously helping to improve individuals’ standards of living...
A data catalog is a repository of data assets with information about that data. It offers tools to help people find trusted data, understand it, and use it appropriately. As a metadata repository, it gives people the context they need to leverage data effectively. Large enterprises contain ...
1. What are public goods? 2. What are externalities? 3. Is a public good a special case of an externality? What role do property rights play in creating common property resources? What is a sharing economy? What are its implications for old-line industrial/commercial enterpris...
it has no choice to reacting or modifying according to them. good knowledge of the environment by business managers allows them not only to recognise and assess but also to respond to the forces outside to their enterprises. the significance of the business environment and its perception by mana...
As of now, there are over 17,000 unmanned aerial vehicle operating enterprises in China, and over 2 million UAVs have been registered with real names nationwide, according to China Air Transport Association. "The next economic growth point will be the low-altitude sector, in my opinion. If ...
Hence, if a nation does not have a stable supply of cheap electricity, enterprises will find it difficult even to survive. Infrastructure is composed of utility industries which become the part of the cost structure of every kind and service produced. Just like electricity, transportation and ...
aSouth Africa will interrogate the possibility of establishing ‘special funding vehicles’ to channel private sector resources into programmes designed to revitalise and expand the country’s railway network, as well as other public infrastructure, Public Enterprises Minister Malusi Gigaba reported on Tues...
For applicability of the guidelines, Central Public sector enterprises (CPSEs) have been divided in to two categories: a. CPSEs listed on the Stock exchanges b. Other CPSEs Enterprises falling under first categories are required to follow the SEBI guidelines on Corporate Governance as envisages ...
Forms of social finance also include some segments of microfinance, specifically loans to small business owners and entrepreneurs in less-developed countries to enable their enterprises to grow. Lenders earn a return on their loans while simultaneously helping to improve individuals’ standards of living...
PUBLIC institutionsGOVERNMENT purchasingBUSINESS enterprisesSUSTAINABLE developmentGiven the potential benefit it offers in preserving the environment and other aspects of human life and development, sustainable procurement has recently attracted a great deal of interest worldwide. This seems...