LIALeather Industries of America LIALehren im Ausland(German: Teach Abroad) LIALive Impact Area LIALiability Insurance Administrators LIALicensed Insurance Advisor LIALicensed Insurance Agent LIALiteracy in Action(Quebec, Canada) LIALocal Implementation Agreement ...
Reports of drug resistance have been made in every livestock host and to every anthelmintic class. In some regions of world, the extremely high prevalence of multi-drug resistance (MDR) in nematodes of sheep and goats threatens the viability of small-ruminant industries. Resistance in nematodes of...
This solution finds application across various industries and sectors, contributing to increased transport efficiency while reducing its harmful impact on the environment [266]. Publications primarily emphasize the importance of modular vehicles in the context of economic benefits related to transport [267]...
was accidentally introduced into South Africa in 1916 and rapidly became a major defoliator of eucalypt plantations there, spreading in a span of 30 years from the Western Cape province eastwards across the country and then northwards along the eastern side of Africa to Kenya and Uganda, as well...