educators today need to “harness the different modes of the digital revolution in order to be effective representers of knowledge.” She goes on to say that today’s learners and future learners need to engage in all areas of digital media, making it the “core of teaching and learning.”...
These recommendations are given at the end of fourth grade, when students are about 10 years old. Although it is difficult to define a hierarchy of secondary schools, there are significant achievement differences between students in the so-called academic track (“Gymnasium”) from which graduates ...
“We do a ton of innovation,” he says. “But it’s a misnomer that we’ve centered around technology as the answer, whereas I think we use tech appropriately as a tool to try to push changes in teaching and learning.” How has technology changed the educational approach? Tech & ...
The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of the first work years of teaching the students, who study by distance, to compare other authors' experience and to examine the advantages of Moodle virtual learning environment (VLE), searching for...
Knowing-to is active knowledge which is present in the moment when it is required. To try to produce knowing-to, formal education focuses on forms of knowing which are easier to teach and to test: knowing-that (factual), knowing-how (technique and...
Educational videos can come in many forms. It all comes down to what the educator needs a classroom video to be. There a... Learn more #Classroom Educational videos for June: The history of Pride month In the United States, LGBTQ+ Pride Month is celebrated in June to commemorate th...
And while we add on new ways of teaching and learning, we need to start considering what we can let go of. Is that Google Doc of basic comprehension questions going to excite your students and lead to real learning? Maybe not. Know that the best assessment causes the student to want to...
pathways, sometimes including the acquisition of aneuploidy or other forms of copy number variation. Thus, the emergence of fungal strains and species with single or multiple drug resistance profiles poses significant challenges in the treatment of medical, veterinary and agricultural hosts6,7,8,9,10...
This chapter draws on the extant scientific literature on the importance of having a job, in particular the importance of having good work. Above all, it seeks to pinpoint what good work entails. We discuss the functions of paid work and the consequences
in addition to the blogger's thoughts and opinions. People would ''follow'' blogs on topics of interest to them, usually by bookmarking the site on their computers. The ability to comment on blog posts began around 1998. As we entered the new century in 2000, companies like Google ...