Natural forests which occur naturally help in reducing soil erosion, protect biodiversity, fight greenhouse gas emissions, and provide employment to many. Economic Importance of Forests The product functions of forests in India are lesser than the protective functions. But still, the product functions ...
class 9 chemistry practical chemistry viva questions class 12 chemistry viva questions with answers class 11 chemistry viva questions with answers class 10 chemistry viva questions with answers class 9 chemistry viva questions with answers chemistry environmental chemistry importance of forests introduction: ...
Dry deciduous forests in India is one such typical case where forest valuation is yet to integrate the NTFP stock, widely used for subsistence and cash income. A detailed accounting of commercially valuable forest products harvested from dry deciduous forests of Eastern India was made to highlight...
What is the importance of pulses in India? View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan...
This represents over a quarter of the world’s land surface, and intersects about 40% of all terrestrial protected areas and ecologically intact landscapes (for example, boreal and tropical primary forests, savannas and marshes). Our results add to growing evidence that recognizing Indigenous Peoples...
Commons, Trees and the Poor in the Uttar Pradesh Hills "Forests are sold to constitute the lungs of a nation: in the case of the hills they represent the very soul of the people living there. They fulfill peopl... NC Saxena 被引量: 22发表: 1987年 The Unevenaged Sal Forests of Ram...
(Vulpes vulpes) population, caused by a scabies epizootic; (ii) low density of lynx (Lynx lynx); (iii) a series of mild winters, which increased overwintering survival in young deer; (iv) clear-felling of forests and abandonment of farmland, both of which then provided easily accessible ...
2007. Distribution and status of forests in the tropic: Bangladesh perspective. Proc Pakistan Acad Sci, 44(2): 145–153. View all references; Mukul 200741. Mukul , SA. 2007. Biodiversity conservation strategies in Bangladesh: The state of protected areas. Tigerpaper, 34(3): 28–32. View...
We find that 294.5 million people live on tropical forest restoration opportunity land in the Global South, including 12% of the total population in low-income countries. Forest landscape restoration that prioritizes local communities by affording them rights to manage and restore forests provides a ...
Assessment of spatial and temporal dynamics of tropical forest cover: A case study in Malkangiri district of Orissa, India Tropical forests have been recognized as having global conservation importance. However, they are being rapidly destroyed in many regions of the world. Reg... C Pattanaik,CSRM...