Educational leaders have a unique and considerable moral obligation to fulfill their role as models for ethical behavior.;The review of the literature describes the historical background for ethics, a description of current ethical issues in the United States, the connection between ethics and ...
Peer-reviewunderresponsibilityoftheSakaryaUniversity. Keywords:ethics;teachingprofession;humandignity;teacher; 1.Introduction Istatethatoneoftheprincipalgoalofteacher’sworkistohelpremovethehurdlesthatteachersfaceeverydayin ordertodotheirjobs.Therearenumerousethicaldilemmasthateducatorsfaceonadailybasis.Michael,G. Gun...
Communication praxis for ethical accountability: The ethics of the tree of action: Dialogue and breaking down the wall in Cyprus This paper proposes the thesis that it is unethical to plan an action for Social change without excavating the knowledge and wisdom of the people who are r... Laour...
Ethics declarations Ethics approval and consent to participate Ethics approval was obtained from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (EA 1/242/13). All participants had given prior written consent to study participation and data publication. Consent for publication Not applicable. Competing inte...
Researchers' interest in the psychology of ethics has increased dramatically in the last 20 years. Because of the influence of "modern" moral philosophy on psychology, what has received most attention, and has even been taken by some to be an essential characteristic of morality, are oughts (...
In this study, we conducted a comprehensive literature review of research that employs either SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) values or the model’s built-in feature importance list for feature selection. While we found a limited number of studies that utilized the model’s built-in feature ...
Ethics declarations Ethics approval and consent to participate No written consent was obtained. Sharing of knowledge and other related information was obtained after taking a verbal consent from a family or individual. No ethical committee permits were required for this study. Consent for publication No...
Though many articles have been written on the "ethics of managedcare", few distinguish between how differences between various managed caresystems may affect medical professionalism. We will focus on four importantdifferences between managed care organizations: [1] the differences betweenfor-profit and ...
There is a great importance of science in educating children. Science encourages students to learn about various things around them. This increases their interest in knowing 科学对于孩子发展的推动,开始了。当他们学会提出问题、做出假设、察、测试结果,最后交流发现时,的科学技能。主题语境:科学的重要性...
Ethics declarations Competing interests This work is partially funded by the program “Bridge” of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action (BMK) and partially funded by Know Center. Know-Center is funded by BMK, Styria, SFG, in the scope of COMET - Competence Centers for Excellent Tech...