CDA Competency Statement 1: Establishing and Maintaining a Safe and Healthy Learning Environment Competency Statement 1 To Establish and Maintain aSafe‚ Healthy‚LearningEnvironmentTo establish and maintain asafe‚ healthylearningenvironmentI model safety practices and healthy rou...
[13]. This Declaration, which had been founded a year earlier in Sorbonne, had the central goal of establishing a European Higher Education Area, with the aim of reinforcing the convergence of the higher education systems of the various signatory countries [14,15]. This reconfiguration and ...
Recent education, regardless of the level or type (distant or in the classroom), or the age of the lecturer, is strongly impacted by digitalization [1,2,3]. The digital transformation is viewed as an imperative; it represents, according to [4] (p. 5) “a series of deep and coordinated...
(AMD) or the maintenance of an adequate weight status, in compensating for the differences found between males and females in these variables, is not well known. For this reason, the study aimed to analyze whether the practice of physical activity, optimal AMD, and adequate weight status can ...