Pakistan is among the developing countries, in order to compete with the world there is need to learn English language. As Shamim (2011) observed, “English is the passport to success and upwards social mobility” The education policy of 2009 has directed that English should be taught as ...
As a second language, English is often necessary for official business, education, information and other activities in a great many countries such asIndia,Pakistan,Nigeria,Singapore, and thePhilippines. It is one of the few "working" languages of the United Nations and is more frequently used ...
hundredmillionpeople:intheUnitedStates,Britain,Canada,some Caribbeancountries,andSouthAfrica.Asasecondlanguage,English isoftennecessaryforbusiness,education,informationandother activitiesinagreatmanycountriessuchasIndia,Pakistanand soon.ItisalsooneoftheworkinglanguagesintheUnitedNations ...
However, the teaching of culture in communication has not been paid due importance in a number of academic and language settings of Pakistan and Iran. This assignment study indicates problems in view of teaching English as a medium of instruction in public sector colleges of interior Sindh, ...
English Language or William Shakespear's Language is the most spoken language in the world today and it is used by most countries as a second language after their official or native language.This growing importance of English Language can be attributed to the following reasons:Tech...
Related to Convention on Wetlands of International Importance:Ramsar sites Ramsar Convention An international agreement (1971) to protect wetlands. (Also known as the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat.) ...
23.English Reformationwas carriedout byto changethereligion in England fromCatholicism toProtestantism.A.Edward VIB.Henry VIIIC.Mary ID.Elizabeth I 24.King Johnwas forcedby thebarons tosign thewhichrestricted kingspower.A.Bill ofRightsB.Petition ofRightC.Provisions of OxfordD.Great Charter ...
Learn about capitals and major cities of the world. Explore the world capitals and largest cities by region. Also read about important cities in...
One of the greatest civil liberties that everyone has in the United States is the freedom of speech. This allows an individual to express themselves as truthfully as they want, without repercussion or the threat of going to prison. However, the way in which this freedom is used has to do ...