( 1 1 C ontribute to the fl ourishing of the cultures of the Member S tates and at the same time respecting their nat ional and reg io nal d iversity ,w hile promot ing the commo n cultural heritage; (2) To promote contemporary artistic creation and cultural exchanges; f3 1 S...
.Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of BEMTUR- 2015doi: 10.1016/S2212-5671(16)30271-4 ScienceDirect3rd GLOBAL CONFERENCE on BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT and TOURISM, 26-28 November 2015, Rome, Italy The importance of the intangible cultural heritage in the economy ...
The importance of intangible cultural heritage refer to the wealth of knowledge and skills that is transmitted from one generation to the next ones. First of all, for the minority groups and for mainstream social groups, the social and economic value of knowledge is relevant. Intangible cultural ...
However, most of the current cultural heritage protection strategies focus on the maintenance of buildings (physical spaces) or tourism development while ignoring the social relations and cultural dimensions within the community [6]. Show abstract Heritage conservation as a bridge to sustainability ...
striving (Larry et a1.,2000).In short,it is an abstract spiritual heritage by a group of people.It can not be seen by naked ey es b ut can be sensed by various sp ecifi c social act ivities .It is the ex pression of a group’s t houghts, ...
The rich and colorfulcultural heritage created by 56 ethnic groups in the course oftheir production and life is the crystallization of the wisdomand civilization of the Chinese people, the bond of affectionsbetween all ethnic groups and the foundation of national unity. 著录项 来源 《中国对外...
its un- derground cities, its rock churches and other beautiful elementsCappadocia, registered as "Goreme National Park of Nature and History" as number 177 in the list of "The Worlds Natural and Cultural Heritage" has its well earned place with its natural structure and its cultural di- vers...
林语堂--生活的艺术英文The Importance Of Living .pdf,In Enghshi (gxzgjpt the last five titles, the following are published in Shanghaiby the Commercial Press) LETTLRS OF A CHINESE AMAZON READINGS IN MODLRN JOURNALISTIC PROSE THE LIITLE CRITIC: FIRST SHUIS
Secularism, Constitutional Provisions for Integration, Fundamental Duties, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, National Symbols, Inter-state Councils, Cultural Heritage, National Festivals, Articles 370 and 35A, National Development Council, Regionalism, Communalism, Articles 14 to 18 ...
Revised Draft of the Elements of an Ethical Code of Conduct to Ensure Respect for the Cultural and Intellectual Heritage of Indigenous and Local Communities: Note by the Executive Secretary UNEP/CBD/WG8J/6/4 (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, 2009). Whakatane ...