But can someone like me do it? The importance of appropriate role modelling for safety behaviours in sports injury preventionHochdurchsatzverfahrenMetall‐organische GerüsteMikroporöse MaterialienOrganisch‐anorganische HybridverbindungenSolvothermalsynthesen...
Many of these have involved trying to find ways to mitigate or ameliorate the damage done by disrupting the intraspecies relationships of animals in human care. One way to achieve this has been by replicating behaviours or physiological responses involved in bonding between animals, and which the ...
It considers how they are applying managerial approaches and solutions to the challenges of austerity and the role that the public sector finance function can play in this process. SCOPE The research primarily consists of case studies of public authorities, as well as a comparative review with the...
Stage plays, theories of theatre, narrative studies, and robotics research can serve to identify, explore, and interrogate theatrical elements that support
To address the study aim, we used information on fine-scale dispersal behaviours to model the contribution of scattered trees and small patches for the Karuah-Myall catchments, New South Wales, Australia, for a “general representative species” dependent on native woody vegetation (Lechner et al...
In congruence, Carl Rogers means that the therapist should aware of the feelings going through their mind and share it with the client if it is appropriate. By applying the congruence in practice, John’s nurse, made sure that she is aware of consequences 398 Words 2 Pages Decent Essays ...
As noted by Darwin1, bipedalism with an upright posture is probably the main defining trait of the earliest hominins. This locomotor behaviour greatly contrasts with those observed in other African apes, which mainly exhibit diversified quadrupedal locomotor behaviours2. Using the extant great apes ...
Fig. 2. Result of applying PRISMA to the literature review Source: own research. In the screening phase, 173 records were excluded after reading the titles. In total, 106 records were assessed for eligibility, wherein the eligibility criteria included soft skills, and conditions of Industry 5.0...
Studies show that user behaviours have not necessarily changed, despite the prevalence of water-efficient products in the market. One reason is because the technical emphasis for delivering the water use efficiency of products has focused on reducing the flow rate. Therefore, this study was undertake...
Applying theories in process evaluations are necessary for researchers accommodating the need to provide or develop guidance for process evaluations in implementation of ABW [25]. Thus, the lack of process evaluations of ABW implementations calls for more research. There is an agreement among ...