Therefore, this review focuses on pathways showing the most recent advances in catalyst synthesis routes, and novel catalysts for a one-step approach and underscores the importance of identifying future feedstocks for alternate aviation fuels. Furthermore, it provides insights into current bio-jet fuel...
While most vehicles today burn fossil fuels, a zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) relies on alternate sources of power, such as batteries or hydrogen. Transportation ranks as the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and the fastest-growing source of emissions in other parts o...
10th Aug- the importance of "World Bio fuel day" The non fossil bio fuel is alternate to conventional fossil fuels and the Ministry of Petroleum for the past three years has been observing 10th Aug as the World Biofuel day. Biofuel can reduce the import of crude oil on which the cost es...
The light independent reactions of photosynthesis are the reactions that occur in the absence of light. the light independent reactions are also referred to as the Calvin cycle which is the part of photosynthesis in which carbon dioxide is taken from the atmosphere ...
those suffering from severe cold hands and feet. As the blood flow starts to easily flow it becomes more painful and less relatable. Additionally, the joint pain becomes worse when you are engaged in long seated or standing sessions. The best is to alternate to avoid exacerbating the situation...
where the conventional forms of energy are fast moving towards extinction as well as are contributing generously to global concerns like the greenhouse effect and global warming, the need to innovate and employ alternate or unconventional energy sources has become crucial for the existence of a future...