Poverty is a multidirectional socioeconomic problem. It is a major phenomenon in developing countries with different dimension and facet. It is a global issue which is prominent in sub-Saharan...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-71058-7_124-1Kehinde Mary Bello...
The European agricultural landscapes have experienced a dramatic loss of biodiversity caused by the intensification of agriculture and the abandonment of historically used traditional farming methods (Poschlod and WallisDeVries2002; Pärtel et al.2005; Kleijn et al.2009; Tsiafouli et al.2015). The...
These findings are likely to have relevance beyond agriculture to other dynamic decision-making activities.doi:10.1016/0168-1923(87)90053-0William E. EasterlingJames W. MjeldeElsevier B.V.Agricultural & Forest MeteorologyEasterling WE , Mjelde JW . 1987 . The importance of seasonal climate ...
Seedsareimportanttoagricultureandconservationoplantbiodiversity.Inagriculture,seedgerminationperormance isanimportantdeterminantocropyield,inparticularunderadverseclimaticconditions.Deteriorationinseedqualityis associatedwiththeaccumulationocellulardamagetomacromoleculesincludinglipids,protein,andDNA.Mechanisms ...
Today, the landscape is characterised by intensive agriculture; arable fields and improved grasslands dominate (BfN, 2012). However, there are still some species-rich grasslands such as only moderately fertilised lowland hay meadows, mown twice a year. Download: Download high-res image (418KB) ...
This location was chosen to avoid the effects of irrigated agriculture at the Territory Grape Farm on EVI. This ecosystem is characterised by an open Bloodwood (Corymbia spp.) savanna dominated by hummock grasses (Triodia spp.), which was a strong C source in the drought years following the...
These sites are threatened by human activities, mainly logging, development, and agriculture. In 1984, the Monarch Project was created in order to save these sites. The Mexican conservation organization, Monarca, works closely with governmental agencies and local people to establish land protection ...
The spores return to bacilli when growth conditions are favourable, proving the spore formation as self-protective mechanism of B. anthracis. Thus, by now it was clear how certain pastures or agriculture areas became dangerous. When any animal dies from anthrax infection, the infected blood and ...
The implementation of an intercropping system (halophyte culture) is such a way to use saline land and brackish water for producing an economically viable and environmentally sound agriculture. It was estimated that 15 % of undeveloped land in the world’s coastal and inland salt deserts could be...
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Madison, WI. 91 pp. Google Scholar Hsiao and Acevedo, 1974 .C. Hsiao, E. Acevedo Plant responses to water deficits, water use efficiency and drought resistance Agric. Meteorol., 146 (1974), pp. 59-84 View in ...