The comprehensive "ABCDE" approach presented in this book provides a memory tool for use in everyday clinical practice.doi:10.7175/cmi.v1i3.602Marisa De RosaElisa RossiSEEdClinical Management Issues
The depth of anesthesia (DoA) is the response to the central nervous systems between the inhibition of anesthetic drugs and the irritation of nociceptive stimuli. In recent years, many studies have shown that anesthesia that is too deep is closely related to postoperative mortality, whereas that w...
improving by 1.79% in top-1 and 0.81% in top-5 over the plain net- Layer Combination of LIP substitutions ABCDE Max Pooling Res3 Res4 Res5 Top-1 Top-5 #Params FLOPs 78.19 93.96 23.9M 5.33G 77.87 93.94 23.8M 4.87G 77.78 93.81 23.7M 4.26G 76.92 93.37 23.9M 4.11G 76.40 93.15 25.6M...
,centralisedtargetsetting,FMSiS(tobereplacedwith somethingsimplerormoreeffective),nomorelengthy governmentguidanceonthingslikeimprovingbehaviourand tacklingbullying–givingschoolsgreaterconfidencetosettheir owndirection. Giveteacherspowerstoimprovediscipline,andtriallinganew approachtoexclusions •Teacherswillhavemore...