This paper describes three important inter-related factors in multipleresolution categorical map comparison that can affect the measured association between two maps: resolution effect, matrix effect, and parameter effect. We demonstrate how cross-tabulation matrix construction affects the quantitative ...
以matrix为例, iter(obj, by=c('column', 'cell', 'row'), chunksize=1L, checkFunc=function(...) TRUE, recycle=FALSE, ...) 1. 参数解读: by:按照什么顺序循环; matrix和data.frame都默认是“row”,“cell”是按列依次输出(所以对于“cell”,chunksize只能指定为默认值,即1) chunksize:每次执行函...
Assessing National Competitive Superiority : An Importance-Performance Matrix Approach 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 47 作者:SM Leong,C Tiong Tan 摘要: It is well-accepted that effective strategy is founded on continuous and diagnostic monitoring of one's competitive position. Evidence ...
It is found that importance sampling densities using design points are applicable if the covariance matrix associated with each design point does not deviate significantly from the identity matrix. The study also suggests that importance sampling densities using random pre-samples are generally not ...
这相当于embedding matrix H^{(l)} 和参数矩阵 W^{(l)} 的乘积。由于参数矩阵在每次迭代过程中都是在更新的,因此矩阵乘法的计算代价是很高的。所以,计算最优的尺度 Q 的代价是很高的。作为一个折中,考虑一个只涉及 b(u) 的Q 。命题4给出了一个精确的定义。最终的方差可能小于公式(12)中的方差。在实际...
BCG Matrix is a performance measurement tool for the products of a company. Developed by Bruce Henderson of Boston Consulting Group in the early 1970s, BCG Matrix is a strategic tool to analyse a business’s portfolio on the basis of relative market share and industry growth rate. BCG Matrix...
dependence_matrix = feature_dependence_matrix(X_train, rfrmodel=RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=50, oob_score=True), rfcmodel=RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=50, oob_score=True), cat_count=20, zero=0.001, sort_by_dependence=False, ...
The importance-performance analysis matrix consists of four quadrants along two axes, one for measuring perceived importance of each attribute and the other for performance evaluation. The vertical (importance) and horizontal (performance) axes call for calculation of the mean value of all attributes....
A bistochastic matrix is a square matrix with positive entries such that rows and columns sum to unity. A unistochastic matrix is a bistochastic matrix whose matrix elements are the absolute values squared of a unitary matrix. We can now ask questions such as when a given bistochastic matrix...
programme to support this image. This matrix as outlined above has two weaknesses, however, which limits its usefulness for identifying the brand’s sustainable competitive advantage. • First, performance of the brand on a particular attribute is defined in absolute terms ignoring ...