Import a module like withrequire()but from the current working directory Install $ npm installimport-cwd Usage constimportCwd =require('import-cwd');// Target module is at '/Users/sindresorhus/unicorn/foo.js'console.log(__dirname);//=> '/Users/sindresorhus/rainbow'console.log(process.cwd(...
解释import { cwd as getpwd, exit, env as env2, stdout } from "node:process";这行代码的含义: 这行代码是ES6模块导入语法的一个例子,用于从Node.js内置的process模块中导入特定的功能。具体来说,它导入了cwd(当前工作目录)、exit(退出程序)、env(环境变量)和stdout(标准输出流),并为cwd和env分别指定了...
error Complete output from command /Users/ash/.virtualenvs/clean-airflow/bin/python3.7 /Users/ash/.virtualenvs/clean-airflow/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/ get_requires_for_build_wheel /var/folders/lr/9jc9vkgn025fn6jmwm4mv4_w0000gn/T/tmprosed3kj: Tracebac...
Today,import.meta.globreturns an object whose keys are relative paths (unless using an alias, in which case the behaviour is slightly unexpected —#12180): conststuff=import.meta.glob('./path/to/my/stuff/**/*.md',{eager:true,query:'?url'});/*{'./path/to/my/stuff/a/b/': ...
select child_name as user, parent_name as groupn from cwd_membership where parent_id in (select id from cwd_group where active=1 and local =1 and directory_id=10400) Once prepared, you would need to import this data by clicking on the CSV importer and follow the prompts as per KB to...
opt: an object that contains all the command-line arguments passed to YOLOv5. device: the device (CPU/GPU) on which to run the training. callbacks: a callback manager that holds a list of callbacks. First, it extracts various parameters from the command-line arguments and creates directories...
Effects of moisture, temperature and decomposition stage on respirational carbon loss from coarse woody debris (CWD) of impor- tant European tree species. Scand. J. For. Res. 28, 346e357. 10.1080/02827581.2012.747622.Effects of moisture, temperature and decomposition stage...